Paving Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I need to stay off my newly paved driveway?
Please stay off your newly paved driveway for a minimum of 3-5/days or as directed by Steve, Owner.
How do I prevent getting tire marks and tearing up my asphalt?
Always be in motion when turning the steering wheel of your vehicle.
How do I prevent the edges of my driveway from breaking off and crumbling?
Back fill all exposed edges of your new driveway with topsoil.
Sealcoating Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I need to stay off my newly sealcoated driveway?
Please stay off your newly seal coated driveway for a minimum of 24-48 hours (temperature and weather dependent) or as directed by Steve, Owner.
How often do I need to sealcoat my driveway?
It is advised to sealcoat your driveway in 1/year. Please call within 10-11/months to receive the price for your driveway sealcoating and be placed on the schedule.
How do I prevent getting tire marks and tearing up my sealcoat?
Always be in motion when turning the steering wheel of your vehicle.
Concrete Frequently Asked Questions
How long to I need to stay off of the concrete?
Please stay off the concrete areas for for a minimum of 14/days (temperature and weather dependent) or as directed by Steve, Owner.
What do I apply to the concrete in the winter to prevent ice?
Never apply rock salt, but you may apply calcium chloride to new concrete after 1/year from installation.