About Schmidt Paving
Schmidt Paving, serving Bucks and Montgomery Counties with high quality paving, sealcoating, concrete and more for over 50 years!

Our Story
As a family owned and operated third-generation paving contractor out of Chalfont, PA, Steve Schmidt and his Sons have all the right equipment to handle any size excavation or paving job. Steve and his boys, who are grown men now, have become one of the top paving companies in Bucks County and Montgomery County. After speaking with Steve it was clear that safety is a priority. Steve says, “A generational secret about safety in our industry is to keep and maintain the very best equipment at all times” he also says “The quality of our equipment and knowledge of our team ensures that every job is done safe and set properly to withstand the harsh weather in the Northeast.” Although each work day may end at the equipment yard in Chalfont or office in Sellersville, the Schmidt family likes to celebrate birthdays and time together at the dinner table.
Besides family get togethers, Renee, Steve’s wife helps coordinate the paving companies day to day efforts while making sure every customer is satisfied. Steve says “My wife Renee is highly professional and keeps all of us doing our very best at all times because we know she is going to follow up with the customer at the end of the day”. See, Steve has figured out based on an old saying, happy wife will lead to a happy life, Steve says, “I try to make sure every customer is satisfied before my wife calls”. Steve and his wife Renee take great pride in teaching their boys the value of an honest day's work for an honest day’s pay. Steve says, “…this starts with respect for our customers and their properties while having pride in our work.”

Our Vision
Schmidt Paving, dependable and trustworthy for three generations.

The Team

Steve Schmidt - Owner

Tom Schmidt - VP

Steve Kane

Luke Schmidt

Renee Schmidt
Video Credit provide to YouTube Channel: Meet Bucks County @meetbuckscounty6968